Monday, February 6, 2012

Exede Satellite Internet Service: The Answer For Rural Regions

For a long time, broadband satellite internet has been touted as the “answer” for those who live in rural regions too far away to get regular DSL or cable broadband.  However, this has not been the case for a number of reasons including the fact that the cost has usually been too high for many people and it has suffered from rain fade along with a lag due to the distance which the signal has to travel.

However, it now appears that the “answer” is finally here.  This is due to ViaSat’s newest service called Exede Broadband Satellite Internet Service.  The service works thanks to one of the largest and most powerful communication satellites ever build.  As a result, ViaSat is on the cusp of changing the satellite industry which has been plagued with issues for the last twenty years.

This new service promises to allow rural customers internet speeds which are on par with some cable and DSL internet companies.  In addition, it will allow customers to download all forms of multimedia and even stream video just as any customer with a cable or DSL connection could do.  This will allow a whole new world to open up for rural residents since many have been stuck with much slower connections such as dialup.  In today’s world of high tech web pages with imbedded video and other moving parts, the only way to truly appreciate the web is to have a connection which can handle all of the bells and whistles.  In addition, the hope of ViaSat is that the Exede Satellite Internet Service becomes so good that it will even compete with DSL and cable in urban setting as well as in the rural ones.

This new service is going to make it possible to level the playing field and give everyone the same satellite speeds.  Customers will be able to partake in such features as voice over IP such as Vonage, Magic Jack and even Virtual Private Networks.  The only service which may not be available is interactive online gaming.  This is due to the fact that there is not much which can be done about physics and the distance that the satellite signal must cover.  While improved upon, there will still be a small lag which means that interactive games may not run as smoothly as what is possible elsewhere.  However, for those customers who are looking to simply surf the web or download videos or music, Exede Satellite Internet Service will be the perfect choice at the perfect price.

There will be three different tiers available for customers to choose from and all of them will provide the same speed for customers. The difference will be in how much data can be uploaded and downloaded over a month.  Prices will range from just under fifty dollars to just under one hundred and thirty making the service affordable to almost anyone.  Exede Satellite Service came online earlier this year and is ready to change lives throughout the country.